Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Precious Metal Content in Computer Chips

There is great curiosity among people to know about the Precious Metal Content in Computer Chips, only the big E-waste Recycling companies such as Umicore etc. know the fact. I have read so many articles on different Recycling forums where lot of people want to know about the Gold Recovery Process from Computer Chips. There are answers but not satisfactory ones.
The real answer is that we can’t get the same Gold Recovery from all the Computer Chips. The older the batch codes of the Chips the more Gold we get from them. At the initial stage of chips' manufacturing, Gold was very cheap, so the companies used more Gold in chips. But with the advancing technology and increasing price of Gold, lesser quantity of Gold was used in chip manufacturing. And now Chips manufacturing companies are in search of a technology where they can use the minimum quantity of Gold in Chips or not at all. But whatever might be the case, today Recovering Gold from Chips is quite a lucrative business provided you process them properly.
In my soon to come next article I will throw light on the exact Gold Content in Computer Chips.
Syed Sajid Ali
Urooj International

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